Addition to the rating system?

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55 comments, last by Promit 16 years, 3 months ago
I was thinking, a lot of the time we see complaints with the rating system, and most of this stems from the lack of reasons why this or that person rated this user up or down. What about a comment system to go along with the rating? It would optional, but a person could leave an anonymous comment as to why they were rated down, or up if the person so cares to do so. I think this would be more effective than just a rating. What do you guys think?
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
I think this is a good idea. However, I really hate that rating a user down remains anonymous. I think far fewer people would be so quick to lash out with a bad rating if they knew the other user could see it.
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Quote:Original post by darkpegasus
I think this is a good idea. However, I really hate that rating a user down remains anonymous. I think far fewer people would be so quick to lash out with a bad rating if they knew the other user could see it.

I'd think you'd get too much backlash if the other could see who rated them down. Some may just start clicking on the profiles to rate all those down who rated them down.

-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
Why do ratings matter?
Quote:Original post by Dave
Why do ratings matter?

Thats kind of the point. I think of the ratings as sort of indicator/feedback if i, or others, are interacting well within the community. Other than that, the rating doesn't mean much.
However, if that is truly the only meaning the rating system has, then wouldn't it make sense to give the person commented feedback as to why he/she was rated down? To allow the user to more effectively learn where they're going wrong?

-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
I don't miss the 0-rated users, not one bit. They got there for a reason.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

At least one problem with anonymous feedback is that it is an anonymous message, which opens things up for abuse. For example, I could rate you down and include a message "Your momma likes to bake apple pies."
Quote:Original post by capn_midnight
I don't miss the 0-rated users, not one bit. They got there for a reason.

:( You don't miss me!!!???

/me *cries*

I actually had fun getting my rating down to zero. I posted in every controversial thread I could find, and simply argued my viewpoint without insulting or being uncivil to anyone (or at least, I don't think I was :P). I thought about posting about my rating to make it dive like a submarine, but that's cheating. It actually took a good half year to get to zero. I wish I could see how far negative I am now :)
Maybe don't need comments but I think but I think we should be able to see who has rated us down. If you are going to rate somebody down then you should have the balls to stand behind it.
--------Ratings - Serious internet buisness
All that does is introduce retaliation -- this happens now, except it's unwarranted (people see their rating drop, and then assume it was the poster or posters in their most recent thread, when it fact it could have been somebody who never even responded or somebody who read some other post entirely, and then they go and rate those people down in retaliation).

If you feel that you should take credit for down-ratings, then you can easily do so via PM or in a post.

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