Asking for max texture width and height?

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2 comments, last by stefu 22 years, 9 months ago
My OGL app gives totally white texture if I try to create texture with size of 512x512 pixels. I know that my device can use max. 256x256 textures (Voodoo3, D3DCAPS8 told it). How can I ask for max width & height of texture in OpenGL to resize my texture? [edit] And how to know if textures must be sized to power of two? Or can I suppose they must be? Edited by - stefu on July 20, 2001 4:23:07 AM
You must use glGet with GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE.

The textures must always be sized to power of two! (except if you use some NVIDIA extensions...)

Thanks a lot!
also u can use gluScaleImage to rescale an image eg from 512x512 -> 256x256

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