Unix setup for OpenGL

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1 comment, last by vbbartlett 22 years, 9 months ago
I can''t use glut... so the question is how do i setup opengl on a Solaris platform. I can''t use glut because i hope to compile the opengl source into a library and then use java and awt to create a jave application on Unix. So information about the unix equivalent of device contexts and hwnds and how opengl is setup on Unix using those equivalents. any information or directions about where to get the information is MOST appreciated!!!
Some of the NeHe tutorials has "GLX" ports for native XFree86 on linux but perhaps is it different on Solaris. It would be a big surprise if you do not already have java+OpenGL support.
they don''t at least in the way i need. AWT provides access to pointers of the display which is used for display, but i still need an idea of what calls need to be made on solaris to init GL.

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