Using RakNet in Linux(?)

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13 comments, last by jordanpx 13 years, 10 months ago
Yea... I understand what you mean. I guess I'll try look for something else to try for now.

Anyway, thanks for all the help, suggestions and advice.

I'd highly recommend using the NetDog networking middleware engine:

It works perfectly in Linux (and Windows) right out of the box, and all the examples build with a single root-level "" command which is provided in the SDK.

NOTE: For graphical examples you have to install Irrlicht (free graphics engine), and instructions for doing so are provided. In some cases, if you're missing certain packages, an apt-get (or equivalent) may be required, and again very clear instructions for doing so are provided in the manual:

NetDog is also considerably easier to use than RakNet, providing a high-level API making it possible to add networking capabilities to your project with less time and effort.

Quote:Original post by pyrathian
Yea... I understand what you mean. I guess I'll try look for something else to try for now.

Anyway, thanks for all the help, suggestions and advice.

I can't find a mention of price on that web site -- you have to accept some license terms before you can even add the indie license to your cart.
Also, the indie license only allows a single server, which seems to make user-hosted games (a la Quake, Counter-Strike, etc) impossible.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Quote:Original post by hplus0603
So, you got a number of compile errors, called them "crashes," and just commented out the lines that had problems without understanding what each problem was?
And now you think that you'll have a working version?
Clearly, the test programs won't work -- so how do you know that the compiled library will work?
The first time something goes wrong, you'll have no idea whether the problem is with your code, or with the things you commented out.

Don't take this the wrong way, but this all suggests to me that you need to learn more about how C++ and your tool chain (compiler/linker/libraries/debugger) works, before you can actually make good progress on trying to build distributed systems (which is what networking is all about).

Thanks hplus. I should really be paying you for the nice opportunities you keep dishing up. The on line model of the C++ Middleware Writer makes the install process orders of magnitude easier and faster than that required by some of the older approaches. As it stands today the archive that is needed is all of 17,789 bytes. This downloads on a 56k modem in about one second. Then there are two executables that have to be built and a couple of config files to set up. The downloading/building takes around 60 seconds if you're taking your time. Configuring the files takes about 5 to 10 minutes the first time you do it. That includes setting up an account.

Brian Wood
(651) 251-9384
Regarding the price, good point. The price has been added to the licensing page and the page you get when you click "Buy Now".

Regarding the ordering of license terms and cart, yeah just a technical issue with site flow, but I don't see why this is a big deal. The whole point is we want people to accept the license terms before making their purchase.

The license is indeed lacking in info regarding user-hosted games. However, he license really just intends to limit the of the simultaneous number of servers to 1. So, as long as in a given set of clients, there's only one guy acting as server, it's still fine to purchase just a single license. The point of the "one server" limitation is more for MMOs where people would need multiple servers to handle all their thousands of simultaneously connected clients. The license page will be updated to reflect this information, thanks for the feedback.

Quote:Original post by hplus0603
I can't find a mention of price on that web site -- you have to accept some license terms before you can even add the indie license to your cart.
Also, the indie license only allows a single server, which seems to make user-hosted games (a la Quake, Counter-Strike, etc) impossible.

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