What Does Everyone Think About The New Site Layout?

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486 comments, last by GameDev.net 13 years, 1 month ago
First, improve the readability of the forum, make the titles 1 size bigger or something to stand out, it's hard to read if you ask me, it takes me good seconds to find something that's in front of me. Maybe I'm not used to it, but the focus is wrong all over the place, for example the name of a topic is in blue while additional text is in black which is stronger and then... forum moderator name in black & bold?? I'm looking for GDNetLounge and my eyes keep fall on the moderators names instead of the topic titles... Shouldn't be the other way around?

Second, I don't understand why always something has to change... When people finally get familiar with something, someone decides to "refresh" things up and completely ruins it. Add new features, fun stuff whatever sure, but repainting everything just to confuse users, I don't see the point in it...

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