getting started on a 2d tool in opengl

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-1 comments, last by redmonkey 22 years, 7 months ago
can anyone point me towards a good guide of how to go about 2D maniuplation in a general app, but in opengl? all i need to make is like a 2d version of a modelling tool (from one perspective) as its just for easily making and manipulating a network of nodes i just cant seem to get a right combination of mixing 3d and 2d to make a useable interface all i need is a good 2d guide, or the bones of an editor (map/moddelling both can easily be applied) then i can add format loading and things. all i need to do is plop down nodes, edit a value or 2 and then select it to add more linked to it. __________________ graham "red" reeves.
__________________graham "red" reeves.[][/email]

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