The Stallman requirements

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17 comments, last by swiftcoder 12 years, 6 months ago
I think this is good information and it is very considerate of him to provide it for free (as in freedom !). This helps tremendously at organizing an event while making sure that Stallmann will not accidentally show up and ruin it. Following these guidelines will also make sure that Stallmann will not knock on your door while looking for a place to sleep, resulting in your A/C suddenly running a free firmware locking it to 22 degrees centigrade and your cat being traumatized for life.

(As an aside - Ubuntu is non-free? Anyone know what he's referring to here?)

Ubuntu includes many components that does not follow RMS own personal religious definition of "freedom" (binary drivers or firmware, non-GPL software, use of trademarked logos like the Firefox one, etc).

(As an aside - Ubuntu is non-free? Anyone know what he's referring to here?)

Ubuntu includes closed-source/non-GPL packages (things like Adobe Flash, and ATI/NVidia graphics drivers) in their package manager. The upstream Debian distro is almost identical to Ubuntu, except that it doesn't provide any proprietary packages, so that they can rigorously claim to be entirely 'free software'.

It's the primary reason why I run Ubuntu at work, as convenience trumps ideology in production environments :)

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

rms always send those infos to places where he goes.
Following these guidelines will also make sure that Stallmann will not knock on your door while looking for a place to sleep, resulting in your A/C suddenly running a free firmware locking it to 22 degrees centigrade and your cat being traumatized for life.

If he did that, at least you'd know you'd be able to change it to work how you like after he'd gone. ;)
Not a fan of beer... not sure if want.

I'd have to re-read the doc to cherry-pick the examples that struck me as strange, and frankly I don't feel like giving the guy that much of a hard time - but I do remember one in particular, which is his thing about pulling out his laptop during conversation that doesn't interest/directly concern him.

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but if someone came to my place to crash with a laundry list of requirements and then started hacking in the middle of dinner, it'd strike me as unusual at the very least. Not to say I don't understand it; he's a busy guy and has plenty of stuff to do, and frankly it's what we'd all wish we could do when dinner conversation gets boring ;-)
I wondered if you'd meant that.

Yes, I agree. Though part of me notes that in a way, he was just a decade or two ahead of his time. The thing is, these days, loads of people do do this - not with their laptop, but their phone, whether it's texting someone, or start reading/posting to Facebook.

I agree it's unsociable and annoying - though I note we sadly can't really pass it off as rare, strange or unusual behaviour anymore, and should criticise all who do this, not just Stallman. - Erebus, Open Source RPG for Windows/Linux/Android - Conquests, Open Source Civ-like Game for Windows/Linux

Yes, I agree. Though part of me notes that in a way, he was just a decade or two ahead of his time. The thing is, these days, loads of people do do this - not with their laptop, but their phone, whether it's texting someone, or start reading/posting to Facebook.

I agree it's unsociable and annoying - though I note we sadly can't really pass it off as rare, strange or unusual behaviour anymore, and should criticise all who do this, not just Stallman.

I think it's odd how when I go out to eat I somehow justify to myself that it's ok to text/email at the table, but when having dinner at home/someone elses home I rarely even notice my phone. Interesting double standard.

That said, I found his explanations for his requirements more interesting than the actual requirements. The parrot bit was pretty funny in general though.

I was emailed this link for teh lulz:https://secure.mysoc...ber/007647.html

Is this for real? Is this a parody of RMS, or is he really this crazy (no offense to intended to people with aspergers or OCD)?

You'd be sending similar info out ahead of you too if you did talks all over the world.

In any case I don't see why people say he's crazy. Free software represents a big chunk of his life, it's no surprise he doesn't want to be associated with non-free technology. And no doubt he is a busy man...

Free software represents a big chunk of his life, it's no surprise he doesn't want to be associated with non-free technology.

I think that might be understating it a little: free software is his life's work. He's an idealist, and something of an evangelist - for that to come across a little crazy is to be expected.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

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