Which Country Should I Move To?

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79 comments, last by Jacob Jingle 12 years, 5 months ago

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education"

Albert Einstein

"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education"

Albert Einstein


What country do you think is the best?

Somalia, because you can be a pirate there. Arrr! It's a pirate's life for me!

Sensible leaders and politics

What could be more sensible or accountable than a Somali warlord? You will always know where they stand and what to expect. (And you know he will be replaced the second he isn't getting the job done)

Good education system

Screw that, you should find a country of morons who will worship you for your IQ(Somalia). If they have a good education system...Chances are they don't need a young person like you. Use your IQ to live like a king.

Good social opportunities for my future children (China and Japan sound cool and all, but there's too much pressure on school work there IMO; somewhere where a kid can be a kid, but still gain a good education)

Again, Somalia all the way....

  • You and your kids can grow together playing pirates and hanging out on the beach while getting some sun. What's better than that?
  • No useless school work for your kids, instead they can learn meaningful things...like how to field strip an AK and how to move the ships crew into one location.
  • A good day's work will make you millions. Your kids will want for nothing and imagine how much they will respect you if you're both a pirate and a millionaire.
  • Your job wont be boring. There will always be something to challenge you. (I said $4 million damn it!!!!)
  • There is always room for advancement for a smart young guy in a Somali pirate organization.
  • You can take pride in what you do for a living. When people ask you what you do, you'll be all like "I'm a pirate!" and their jaws will drop in jealousy. What better conversation starter is there?
  • You'll get plenty of exercise scaling the sides of ships.
  • You'll get to go to work in a technical!
  • Plenty of time to grow your family. And, if you're into that sort of thing, polygamy isn't frowned on.
  • You'll be part of a community where everybody knows each other and where you will be making a difference. You can't say the same for working at some mom and pop killing corporation, now can you?
  • Lax Somali dress codes. 'Nuff said, am I right?
  • Just pennies a day and you can live a good life. The cost of living doesn't get any lower.
  • If you're good enough at your job you might just get recruited by the CIA as an asset. (You'll be able to brag that you're a CIA spy! Pirate/Spy/Millionaire...Winning!)
  • It's a win-win all around with only a few shortcomings.

If your going to take a risk, you might as well risk it all...Good luck CornStalks.

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