The relationship between game programming and math

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10 comments, last by Arcand 12 years, 5 months ago
In my eyes basic math skills are sufficient for most programming aspects. However, it certainly helps to be good at math, especialy if you want to go career.
That being said, nobody with an avarage IQ is doomed to be bad at math, atleast not the way I see it. I don't believe as much in talent as most people. Although I am convinced genetics play a role, I think most of these skills including music, painting and indeed math, can simply be learned like any other skill by experience. And usually if you are required to know something because you'll need it for the programming, you can pick it up much faster just because you are interested and eager to learn.
thank you everyone for your responces, they have helped a lot.

I will reiderate, although I got the answer I needed... its easier when you have something to apply it to.

The class I was taking was litterally called pre-college level ath... I was put it preatty near the end and never really had to much trouble understanding the concepts, I had trouble with the underlying calculations of application, the actual multiplucation/division at the root of it over again until, yes, my eyes bled. :)

professionally im a cook. I work part time in a community kitchen and part time at a small cafe'/resturaunt and I enjoy my job almost to much... so yes, this is a hobby, and its a hobby I just started working on. what brought me to this question was my tutor running me through something called the "8 queens" problem, mabey some of you know of it, but the math really fuggered with my brain that night :)

I will learn what I need to, as I need to, no matter what, because games are my passion and I've wanted to make them since I first played mech warrior mercinaries and battlezone 1 :) (o the days =+) )

thank you, you'll be seeing more of me I promise!

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