SDL_EnableKeyRepeat syncronization problem

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-1 comments, last by rossanaguerra 12 years, 1 month ago
Hi everyone, this is my scenario. I have a background wich is scrolling, and I blit a spite over it.

If I press key by key and/or if have EnableKeyRepeat disabled: the sprite it is rendered ok, according the background moves.frame by frame.
This not a very playable scenario.
If I press continously with SDL_EnableKeyRepeat, the sprite flickers As if some key states weren't processed, so a 'blank' sprite appears.

The input handler is very straight forward: it sets the speed of background movement and it chooses the rectangle of the sprite sheet.

This is the code:

//Game Loop
/ /Event loop

apply_surface( bgX, bgY, background, screen );
apply_surface( bgX + background->w, bgY, background, screen );
// displaying sprite;

Any suggestion? thanks

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