How to work with programmers

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14 comments, last by MatthewMorigeau 12 years ago

Programmers should assume they know nothing about the art and only bring their knowledge to bare on design if it helps fix problems

Screw that. I may not be an artist by profession, but I know damn near as much about it as your typical artist.

It's not about pretending you don't know anything about the topic. It's about having a respectful and productive discourse, just as you would with another programmer.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []


When it comes to art it's not about how much you know about art at all, its about the inspirations (and hiding them), the feelings the artist is attempting to express and explore with their design and in a lot of cases its about something no programmer can appreciate which are happy accidents (turning a mistake into a style). You are dealing with a subject that isn't as concrete as programming and so often your idea of respectful and productive discourse (that you'd use with other programmers) wont be as appreciated as you would assume.

If the art doesn't match the requirements of the project, a programmer should be as direct and impersonal as possible about what needs to be done and not linger on the topic of what hasn't been achieved. Artists are performers and they like to feel like people want to see their art, asking for different art is about being more specific about the needs of the project while asking for more of what the artist has done right.

When it comes to art it's not about how much you know about art at all

When I say I know a lot about art, I don't mean that I can recite a list of influential 16th century artists. I mean that I have lived and worked with artists of all manner, for my entire life.

Try walking into a meeting and telling a fellow programmer that all his code needs to be scrapped, because it doesn't fit the current direction of the project - programmers are every bit as proud and protective of their code as a painter is of his painting, and the same rules of respectful dialogue apply.

It's dangerous to pigeonhole everybody in the 'creative vs scientist' stereotype, because in reality these artificial boundaries don't exist. Sure, most artists lack our background in mathematics and physics (and most programmers lack their background in aesthetics, colour theory and history) but that doesn't affect the basic mode of thought of each nearly as much as you would imagine. Programming is not so far removed from an art form in and of itself...

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I didn't mean to pigeonhole anyone. Everyone is different. What am trying to describe is the process, which is different and which does lead to a different mode of thought. The biggest differences is that clearly seeing and understanding the sources/inspirations for engineering (of any kind) is paramount to it's success, where as the sources/inspirations for art needs to be shrouded to sustain a sense of novelty. I've found in my experience that this creates an extra sensitivity to any criticism. With this in mind its important to keep critiques brief and impersonal.

I don't think this is exclusive to art and artists. This is the way I was shown to deal with any problem when I was testing, because egos are on the line. I just find programmers aren't always given the same direction (because they are often much more ground down in the process of game production) they are given more slack in the way they deal with the team. I'd even say that in the industry, programmers have it harder in terms of criticism having to work with bug testers. You don't need to agree, this is just my experience.

I don't doubt programming is far removed from an art but it is undeniably a type engineering. Which means a programers confidence grows when practical sources are identified because these sources are an important cog in the making of a machine that works, where identifying the sources of most art generally means the artist hasn't explored a wide enough variety of aesthetically pleasing elements, be it trends or more classical appealing elements.

No one likes to hear that their work isn't up to par, I just think art being more subjective becomes a far more sensitive subject without many considering that (not just programmers, often other artists and other members of a team lack the niceties everyone appreciates). Is there anyone who disagrees with this sentiment? Because it could be I just hang out with some sappy artists (and maybe I'm a bit sappy) too ;D Love you guys!
I think the basis of most bad interactions is lack of knowledge. While a lot of people believe in total specialization and separation of roles, I think good programmers and designers should know about each-other's professions. A good UI programmer should know about design principles, while maybe not knowing how to act uopn them. A good UI designer should know about UI programming, while not necesseraly know how to program .

In order to value a designer's decision, the programmer must have a good understanding of design principles. He should understand why a designer chose to do something. Same with a designer. When a programmer comes to him with an implementation problem/suggestion, he should be able to understand where it comes from.

People from different disciplines who work together for long periods ( AKA: people with professional experience ) usually learn a little bit about their colleagues' trade. Therefore they should learn how to listen to each-other and work together. Anything less than that (like "dealing" with each other) is unprofessional. The view of an all knowing programmer/designer seems tyrannical and unrealistic to me.

BTW, great tips in the article, but I am bothered with the condescending tone of the article and the comments:
"Dealing" with programmers...
Programmers are the PIT crew (while you are the pilot)...
Programmers should assume they know nothing about the art...

I don't know of any programmer who looks at herself as being part of the PIT crew. Usually they dream of themselves as someone who engineered a new type of jet engine.

A graphics programmer who knows nothing about art, design and aesthetics should not be working on a computer game. Just like an artist/designers who knows nothing about computer UI. If you have these types of people on your team, you will end up with a shabby computer game.

My Oculus Rift Game: RaiderV

My Android VR games: Time-Rider& Dozer Driver

My browser game: Vitrage - A game of stained glass

My android games : Enemies of the Crown & Killer Bees


You make a good point, the only reason I used that analogy is because many programmers in the industry are stuck with outdated often buggy back-end from last gen with the task of updating the old beaters. Like a pit crew watching a race car burn itself out on the track and being expected to polish poo. But in the indie world it is more like Lockheed Martin. Its experimental and creative and I apologize if I upset anyone.

I'm not asking a programmer to know nothing about art. I'm asking them to assume they know nothing about the art that is presented to them. Because no matter how much they know about the design mechanics involved in creating it and even the inspirations behind it, art has a persons feelings, emotional expression and often a large part of themselves in it (a common aspect of all art is for an artist to depict aspects of themselves in their creations). Even if you've know the artist since you were two, you were never in their head. Art is personal, and I don't mean artists take their art personally (everyone takes their own creations personally), like parents pass down their genes to their kids, artists infuse aspects of themselves in their creations (too often unconsciously) and that is something that can come off as lacking tact, to criticize.

As I said to Swiftcoder, criticism toward anyone on a team should be brief, about the project and impersonal. If you assume you know nothing about the art you play it safe and if you simply tell the artist what doesn't fit the design or limitations required to implement the module then it isn't a big deal. That doesn't mean you should know nothing about the art, obviously cross training in the world of game development is huge to properly gel as a team. But if a programmer plays at being an artist and telling them how they can fix it, you could very well be treading on thin ice and I would warn against it. I would warn against this approach being used towards anyone that anyone is collaborating with because frankly egos are on the line.

Everyone on the team, on some level, believes that their part of the project is pivotal to the success of the project (its good when a team has this kind of confidence) the difference between everyone else and programmers is that when it comes to video games, its true for programmers. Video games are made by programmers. But so many programmers overlook the fact that pretty video games, emotional video games, impressive video games, cute video games, etc happen when artists or artistic skill is brought in. If a programmer can't show a certain level of nicety towards those charged with the task of achieving these components of a game, the game can also end up shabby.

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