Which language?

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14 comments, last by serratemplar 11 years, 12 months ago
For starters, i know Python and have recently been learning Ruby with the hopes of making a game eventually. But then i read that Ruby is actually terrible for making games. This persuaded me to forget Ruby, considering that most around the internet consider its interpreter "Too slow" for game programming.

So my question is this: What language should i try and learn next? (excluding C++, Java, and Python). I would really like to find a language i enjoy and stick with it. I have heard of Perl and am wondering about that being a possibility. And if not that then what is best to efficiently make games and programs?

So i guess my main question is would Perl be a good programming language for games? And if not, then what?
Perl? No. How about C#? You can then use it with Unity or XNA.
I am willing to put a lot of work into learning so thats not an issue. I plan on going into Computer Science so will C# help me later in my career?

Also, what tools do i need to get started with C#?
knowing various languages is always good :)

I am willing to put a lot of work into learning so thats not an issue. I plan on going into Computer Science so will C# help me later in my career?

Also, what tools do i need to get started with C#?

C# is used mostly for business applications and game tools, although there are some games written in C# (eg. Magicka). To start with C# you'll want Visual Studio.
OpenGL fanboy.
Okay ive downloaded visual studio and plan on starting to learn C# today. Any recommended tutorial?
I would suggest:

  • http://www.csharp-station.com/tutorial.aspx
  • http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/csharp/csharp.html

Both very good tutorial sets.

So i guess my main question is would Perl be a good programming language for games?

Just to briefly hark back to this, I'm curious where you heard perl in relation to game development?

Perl is almost entirely relegated to legacy web development at this point, along with a smattering of research scientists in chemistry/biology who haven't moved on yet.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]

Perl was designed as a scripting/reporting language - great for parsing text, not so much for games; performance will suffer, and Perl5 isn't even true OO.

+1 for C#, currently relevant in the industry, and very easy to learn.
Also nominate C, because... programming basics.
Also Haskell because... correctness rules.
Sorry for not clarifying, I didn't hear anywhere that it was good for game programming specifically, I had heard it was a good language and assumed it was okay for game programming.

I am however interested in learning C# at this point and would like to get into that. I feel bad for abandoning Ruby but my main goal was games and if it's not good for games I don't want to pursue it much.

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