C++ SFML setup issues

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4 comments, last by Inuyashakagome16 11 years, 11 months ago
Well I've been following the SFML C++ tutorial (http://www.gamefromscratch.com/page/Game-From-Scratch-CPP-Edition.aspx) but i've been trying to use Code::Blocks. I prefer it over VS Express. So i was using this tutorial http://sfml-dev.org/tutorials/1.6/start-cb.php to get CodeBlocks setup with SFML but even though I do each step as it should be, i always get an error stating that I'm missing "libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll" I've looked around about this issue and couldn't find any real fix. I'm using Code::Blocks 10.05 and SFML 1.6. Any Suggestions?
Well, are you missing libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll in your Mingw bin directory? Do you perhaps have libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll instead? I note that the download page for SFML includes links for versions linked against SJLJ and DW2, so it is possible you are trying the wrong package. As an example, I installed Mingw that came with Code::Blocks, and the variant of libgcc is provides is DW2, so any version of SFML linked against SJLJ won't work.

If you don't like dynamically linking against Mingw's libgcc, you can always rebuild SFML with the SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS option set. This will statically link against the standard libraries, and prevent you having to ship libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll or libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll with your application.

Well, are you missing libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll in your Mingw bin directory? Do you perhaps have libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll instead? I note that the download page for SFML includes links for versions linked against SJLJ and DW2, so it is possible you are trying the wrong package. As an example, I installed Mingw that came with Code::Blocks, and the variant of libgcc is provides is DW2, so any version of SFML linked against SJLJ won't work.

If you don't like dynamically linking against Mingw's libgcc, you can always rebuild SFML with the SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS option set. This will statically link against the standard libraries, and prevent you having to ship libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll or libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll with your application.

Well now it says that i'm missing libgcc_s_dw22-1.dll. >__> I do have libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll in the bin directory now.
The links for download for those versions are for 2.0 and i'm attempting to just use 1.6 for now. D:
Alright this is fixed. >_< Found a copy of the libgcc_s_dw22-1.dll and just copied to my Mingw\bin folder. I'm good!
I've been battling all morning with this. I managed to get 1.6 working on another laptop, but getting it to work on this one just completely failed. I tried installing 2.0 too, but there doesn't seem to be many tutorials for it yet anyway so yeah. I guess I'll just keep poking around with it.
What errors are you getting? (I haven't really done anything with 2.0 yet just because i'm still getting use to SFML :P)

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