2D Game Development in Direct3D 9

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0 comments, last by phil67rpg 11 years, 11 months ago
Could anyone suggest some good books/websites that teach me about 2D game development in D3D9?

I get that basic sort of stuff, I just want learn more about more advanced things like Tile engines or how I'd go about having a world larger than the viewport, and how to navigate the viewport through the world

Thanks :)
The majority of Internet Explorer users don't understand the concept of a browsing application, or that there are options.
They just see the big blue 'e' and think "Internet". The thought process usually does not get much deeper than that.

Worms are the weirdest and nicest creatures, and will one day prove themselves to the world.

I love the word Clicky
have you tried "directxtutorial.com".

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