Animate to SwapChain or RenderTargets

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0 comments, last by MJP 11 years, 11 months ago
I want to animate some synthetic video bits to fullscreen w/o tearing at a precise vertical HZ frequency. Can I set up D3D 9/10/11 in exclusive mode, and have it present a series of buffers that I'm writing to? I know how to copy system memory bits into a texture, then draw that texture as a fullscreen quad, but it seems like overkill. Why should I use the triangle rasterizer when I want to do something so simple?

I don't know what i'm doing, but all I want to do is set up a long (4-8 buffer) swapchain and set the bits of the back buffer that is about to be displayed. Or, I want to allocate 4-8 RenderTargets, and on each frame, copy the bits from system memory to the RenderTarget, then somehow, get that RenderTarget to display on the screen. I realize a RenderTarget is normally used to draw to as a pre-step then use it as a texture in a successive step.

Whatever the case, i want to blast system memory bits into "something that is about to be displayed next" and have D3D drawing one thing while I'm blasting bits to the next thing. I don't know why I should have to use the triangle rasterizer with so simple a task. I've never seen or heard about anybody doing this, but it seems it should be so dead simple!

thanks in advance...
D3D10/D3D11 have CopyResource, which you can use to copy your output data from a CPU-writable (USAGE_DYNAMIC) texture to the back buffer. Unfortunately D3D9 doesn't have this, so you'd have to render a full screen quad or triangle.

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