Bitset data access operator problem

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1 comment, last by Misery 11 years, 10 months ago

I am in a need of creating a bitset. However I cannot think of any solution how to make an operator that would set the proper bit to true or false in such manner:


where i, j are the bits i want to set to proper value.

I have checked BOOST dynamic bitset, however I cannot figure out the soution. I know that I have to use some helper class. This is where I'm stuck. Very simplified, the problem is:

class Block //helper class
int Container;
int mask; //how do I set the mask?

Block& operator=(bool x) { Assign(x); return *this; }

void Assign(bool x) { x? do_set() : do_reset(); }
void do_set() { Container |= mask; }
void do_reset() { Container &= ~mask; }

class bitset
int Data[4]; //array of ints - here only 4
int cs; //container size


int operator () (int i) const
return Data[i/cs] & (1 << (i%cs));

int& operator () (int i) //int, bool or whatever, Block?? I have no idea
//what do I add here to be able to do substitution like mentioned above?

Thanks in advance for any sugestions,
I didn't read the code you posted, but I know how to solve your problem. You define an `operator()(int)' --although I would prefer `operator[](int)', so it looks more like an array-- that returns an object that contains enough information to locate the bit. Something like this:
class BitReference {
unsigned char *byte;
int bit;

// ...

You then define `operator=(bool)' for that object in the obvious way. You probably also want to provide an implicit conversion to `bool'.
Thanks Alvaro :]

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