Just Starting Out!

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2 comments, last by Narf the Mouse 11 years, 10 months ago
I am just starting out. I want to make video games for a career and hopefully start my own gaming company. I have a few questions to ask: Is it smart to first make an app or software before i start on a game, or should i just start into game programing. Also if you would like to point me in the right direction, please name a few programming software to create games and apps/software. Thank you in advance!
Please browse this Forum "For Beginners" and you'll find tons of other posts asking the exact same question and getting good answers.

My Gamedev Journal: 2D Game Making, the Easy Way

---(Old Blog, still has good info): 2dGameMaking
"No one ever posts on that message board; it's too crowded." - Yoga Berra (sorta)

Is it smart to first make an app or software before i start on a game.

Try making basic software first, its a game is no different its just designed to be a game.

Also if you would like to point me in the right direction, please name a few programming software to create games and apps/software.

C++ , C#, Java , Python these are some languages. You will use compilers with them usually accompanied by a IDE (integrated development environment), such as Visual Studio, JCreator, etc.
It also doesn't matter which programming language you learn first; after you learn the first one, additional ones can be acquired fast (1-3 months).

So, look around (Google programming languages, IDEs), pick a combination you like, and learn it. (IDE is "Integrated Development Environment"; "Fancy text editor for programming" isn't accurate, but should point you in the right direction for understanding).

The best way to learn to program is to program. This is a good starting link.

Finally, if you start learning and programming itself (not the frustration of learning or temporary failures, the act of programming itself) isn't something you're passionate about, don't force yourself to learn for the sake of "a career". You can make money doing all sorts of things; the two important parts are:

A) Have a job you can respect yourself while doing.
B) Be passionate about your job.

Scientifically proven - If you can hit both, you'll be healthier, live longer and be happier.

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