C++ As First Language

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71 comments, last by Fredericvo 11 years, 10 months ago
Just pick one and read it. You're really only going to read it once and toss it aside anyway. Pick one, figure out the syntax, and go :D

Yo dawg, don't even trip.

I'm going to make a suggestion totally out of the blue. If you are totally new to programming try learning PHP first. It's not useful for games since it's a web scripting language but it's dirt easy and if you never programmed before then games aren't the first thing you should focus on in the first place. With PHP you will at least learn something you will encounter in most other languages such as a while loop, a for loop, switch/case, if/else etc. You will use arrays, hash tables and never have to worry about forward declarations, header files or translation units. That's for when you feel ready for the next step which is when you'd switch to C++. And PHP has the additional benefit that you will need it for your websites where you wouldn't use C++. Another language that you would learn just because it seems easier at first but overlaps with C++ might be abandoned later once you upgrade. Just my 2 cents.

..if you never programmed before then games aren't the first thing you should focus on in the first place.

Sorry, I disagree here. Games is exactly why I learned programming. It was my focus 20 years ago, and it still is my focus today. Don't underestimate passion.
Ok guys I start with C# with this book that a guy with p.m. recommended me http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0735626707/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_g14_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1SKB3DWJV8R3ZZ5R9XSZ&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846

Thank you all for helping me.

Failure is not an option...

Whatever you do, do not learn programming using PHP. This language is broken by design, encourages you to learn the worst possible programming style and will make it hard for you to learn any good coding practices.

Do. Not. Use. PHP.
C++ is great language for beginner. Hard - yes but not impossible.

You should learn something more complicated, that give you more control over your actions and ther move to something easier with that knowledge. If C++ is hard for you then you should think about change of resources. I read ~5 books before i find the right one for me beacuse i prefer books with exercises and examples, like in "C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures" which is my book of choice.

If you want to learn C++, you will learn C++ - it's matter of time. After learning some basics you can move to something different, like C# for example.
I was under the impression that if you want to learn something, you should always start simple and then build on top of your knowledge. The notion of first learning a hard language and then moving on to an easier one is counter-productive.

The idea of starting with some other language because it gives you more control is, to me, a baffling one. With that reasoning, we could say that, since Assembly gives you the most control you can possibly squeeze out of your computer, you should start with that. Yet it is common among people to not recommend it because it is very difficult to work with. It's like giving your teenage kid a bugatti because it's more responsive. There's a chance of course he will learn to drive it safely but there is also a massive chance that he'll try to make the corner at 50 mph and hurt himself.

Yo dawg, don't even trip.

I don't think so.

If i once learn something hard i will learn something easy in no time. But if i start from something easy then i must learn much more things in new language. There is also way of thinking "that is to hard for me." when we see to many differences.

When you can repair car we can repair, let say, bicycle in seconds. But that doesnt work another way.

Yeah, but there is also chance that after that bugatti he wil be more responsible than other drivers in his age.
So you suppose engineers learn how to build a space ship first, because then, they will have an easier time learning how to weld a pipe in their drain?
Again, I completely have a different mindset about this. Never have I seen anyone start off with something hard so he or she can learn something easier later. Schools follow the simple-to-hard rule like a religion. You don't learn Calculus so you can learn Algebra, and you certainly don't learn how to repair cars so you can repair a bicycle. If you ask a University to give you Differential Equations before you learn Calculus they'll look at you like you're crazy :D

Yo dawg, don't even trip.

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