MySQL and PHP for multiplayer game

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1 comment, last by hplus0603 11 years, 9 months ago
I'm working on location-based Android games. My current project is single player, but I intend to make my next project a multiplayer game. My intention is to allow your location to be shared with other players (you can turn this on and off). Can this be done with standard PHP/MySQL? I want to update the player positions once every minute or so.
It can be done, but HTTP is not good protocol for networking games, because running apache and php script is lower than running small C++ program with TCP or UDP sockets. HTTP also has much bigger package overhead than TCP and UDP. TCP still has bigger overhead than UDP.
For one "share" per minute, Apache+PHP will do fine. If you get hundreds of millions of users, it would even do fine, with some modifications.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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