From java to c#

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15 comments, last by azonicrider 11 years, 9 months ago
The syntax of C# and C++ are quite a bit different.

I jumped from Java into C# quite some time ago, and was surprised was how similar the languages are, though in C# I had to get use to the fact *everything* is an object.

If you want to learn C++ jump right in and learn it. It will be challenging .... err "fun" at first, but it does not require learning other languages to master.

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


I jumped from Java into C# quite some time ago, and was surprised was how similar the languages are, though in C# I had to get use to the fact *everything* is an object.

Everything is an object in Java and as a matter I would say that your claim is backwards. In C# you have c-style structs which Java does not have. Also I would have to say (from experience) that doing C# and then going to C++ is a better route. Yes the two languages are very different, but they have many overlapping concepts and features. Pointers can be used in both languages, and you can invoke C++ code from C# applications using p-invoke (which is also MUCH easier to use than JNI by the way). The biggest thing to get a handle of when you move from C++ to C# is pointers, how memory is managed, scope and understanding the compilation process. I'm sure there are people who disagree with that, but those were the biggest gaps in my knowledge when crossing over.

Of course this is just my opinion, and I have to say that it's more important to just do what you feel is best and learn from your mistakes. Software development in general can become quite religious and sometimes for most people it boils down to what is trending instead of what may be optimal for what you want to do.
90% is written in C++. Hence why bother at all about other languages? I've learned once a little in technical school, but honestly I've never used it since. It was only some kind of help for learning C++.
90% of what is written in C++. if that was 90% of everything that claim is VERY false. This very webpage your looking at has a large amount of javascript elements on it. Google use python on their servers as do other websites. Linux is written in C and has some python and perl I think on the higher level code. Windows I think originally was written in C, I think the current versions are C++ though.

Many games on use C++ for the engine itself and other languages for scripting.
Webpages are not programming languages, but script languages, apart maybe 0.001% Java.

90% is written in C++. Hence why bother at all about other languages?

Because you're claim is wrong. People bother with other languages because 90% of code is not necessarily written in C++. Maybe 90% of the code you work with is C++, but there's another 7 billion people on this planet who may (and many of them do) use something else. Projects I've worked on at work/related to work have used: Ruby, Java, C++, C, and C#. If you want a job as a software developer (in the real world, not working as a code monkey), you should learn and be comfortable in several languages. Sure, you may truly master only one or two, but the mindset "I only need C++" is only going to hold you back. For example, one job offer here on asks for a C# programmer. Your C++ knowledge won't be good enough. And then there's the rest of the CS industry, which positions use a wide variety of languages.

Webpages are not programming languages, but script languages, apart maybe 0.001% Java.

Scripting languages are programming languages (yeah, there's some debate about where you draw the line between scripting language and programming language, but in the current context they can be considered the same). And Java is used in more than 0.001% for web servers and sites. Now markup languages (HTML) aren't programming languages, but 6677 wasn't referring to markup languages.

Anyway, I'm not going to derail this any more. This isn't really relavent to the OP's question, so I suggest someone creates a new thread if they want to further this tangential discussion.
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I believe its good to know multiple languages, but then you use one language as your "weapon of choice", that you'll use for game dev, projects, software etc., and will have the most knowledge on.

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