CLICALL Managed Function To Unmanaged Error. :(

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7 comments, last by Paul C Skertich 11 years, 8 months ago
I witness this eariler because I tried to use XMVECTORS and XMMATRIX in previous CLI Build and it pops up:

Error 41 error C3645: 'SICGames::SIC_Engine::CameraManager::Camera::Update' : __clrcall cannot be used on functions compiled to native code c:\users\skertich family\documents\visual studio 2010\sic-engine\sic-engine\SIC-Engine.h 1291 1 SICEngine

Error 40 error C3821: 'void SICGames::SIC_Engine::CameraManager::Camera::Update(void)': managed type or function cannot be used in an unmanaged function c:\users\skertich family\documents\visual studio 2010\sic-engine\sic-engine\SIC-Engine.h 1307 1 SICEngine

So, I went back to using DX10Math. However - I want to give the new DirectXMath a try. I've included namespaces DirectX and DirectX::PackedVector.

How could I fix this issue? Thanks everyone! Have a good rest of Sunday.
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*sighs* I think it was much easier with the D3DXVECTORS. If the editor and engine uses SSE and SSE2 instructions, I have to do a lot more work! I just read I have to use a lot more functions that I'm use to. Good news is that, on the editor side's Native section it will have majority of the engine code inside it and less dependant on the CLI Side - which just means the migration from Editor to Game Engine will be much easier.
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412 Warnings but 0 Errors....This may be crazy to have the C# level editor to use the new DirectXMath.h - right? When I used DX10Math it was only 112 warnings. So, is it even worth it doing DirectXMath XM functions?
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Regardless of the fact, the Editor still works...I just don't see any difference between XMVECTORS and XMMATRIX's - or should I?
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I meant difference between D3DXMATRIX and XMMATRIX
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What types of warnings do you get?

im not sure if i know what you are trying to achive? to get some DX .h file to work in c# via a dll?
so you can call the functions from your winform applicaton?
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"
In order to use DirectXMath.h I had to put them in a native class in my code. So the warnings were because the DirectXMath.h functions and DirectX; were being compiled as native.

However, if I didn't bring them into the native side, then it would compile with the two errors above. Anytime there was a XMVectorSet or XMMATRIX or XMMatrixPersepctiveFovLH function - the compiler would give errors. So, I decided to bring those XM functions into native then compile. It worked but I thought since it has a namespace it can be used in Managed C++. You know?
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well, the way i see it. warnings are never good and must be solved. and thats why i asked what type of warnings you get (To maybe help you solve them out).

But, it´s probably mosty up to you, if you feel that it gives you less headache then go for it. probably wont matter so much in the long run if they arent sever warnings.
"There will be major features. none to be thought of yet"
Yeah I know what you mean Tor. I imagine since I'm using Managed and Native DirectXMath functions this is why it's giving me warnings. However, when the game is in Native then it should be fine. I updated to VIsual Studio 2012 - so that could be the reason. I use to thiink Windows 8 was such a horrid idea but I think my opinions are changing. Only thing I've noticed in the configuration manager is the ARM and the x64.

But described in my diary - I chopped the engine to pieces and placed them into modules. One thing that was a pain in the neck was literally going through a long managed assembly file - total headache!

Thanks for chipping in Tordin - have a awesome day!
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