College for Game Production

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0 comments, last by Tom Sloper 11 years, 8 months ago

I see most of the college topics here are more tailored to programmers. My question is, what colleges would you recommend for someone who wants to step into a producer role and start their own studio?

The thing is, though I want to be a producer, I want to major in a program with equal amounts of programming and design, so I can wear many hats. What I'd find to be the important factors of the college are it's gamedev community within the school, the quality of the program, and a business management minor. I'd constitute an active gamedev community as regular submissions to the IGF, a large club, etc. A quality program in my eyes would be a great mix of programming and design, taught by professors with industry experience or equivalent.

The only college I can find like that is USC, which is definitely the top choice atm (might not be able to go since it's on the other side of the country) but no other. Any suggestions?
If your eventual goal is to run your own company, then you should get a business degree. That will prepare you well for producing and running your own company. A law degree or a marketing degree would also be useful for your eventual goal.

-- Tom Sloper --

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