Are Shadow Volumes casting shadows on themselves?

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0 comments, last by Jason Z 11 years, 7 months ago
I have tried to implements soft-shadow-mapping but cant get them to work since i have to little experience in HLSL and the whole .fx
My new approach to shadowing will be using shadow volumes since i don´t need HLSL files and can just use normal DirectX.
I know they are CPU intense but i think it will be okay anyway.

One question before i try to implement this is: Does shadow volumes cast shadows on themself?

If i render a big mesh that is my gamelevel, will there be shadow inside that level?

I know the teapot cast shadow on the ground but what about objects that dont have only obtuse polys?
There are lots of tutorials out there about shadow volumes, so you should be able to experiment with the algorithm and see if your questions are plausible or not. What exactly do you mean by obtuse polys? In general, the shadow volumes algorithm should be usable with most geometry - can you describe a case where you don't think it will work?

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