Quick Issue

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10 comments, last by Mr Rage 11 years, 7 months ago
I was about to download the Ogre 3D SDK, then I saw it was all 32 bit. Is there a SDK that is 64 bit? If not please inform me of a 64 bit rendering engine that has good physics and graphics also you can use C++ for it.

Have you tried building from source? I've seen a few threads that say Ogre builds just fine on 64 bit.
alright, i'll try building from source.
Im struggling to build Ogre 3D.

I made a Folder called Ogre 3D sources in the VS SDK folder. The ogre folder includes ogre_src_v1-8-1, freetype-2.4.10 and cmake-2.8.9-win32-x86 also a empty folder called Build Dir. I opened cmake - gui and put this for source code: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)/Ogre3D Source/ogre_src_v1-8-1 and put the empty folder Build Dir for where to build binaries. When I configure and generate, there is only errors.

Any help?
Also I've tried many generators such as VS and makefiles but none of them work.
CMake is a weird beast. Assuming you have your build directories set up correctly, and assuming you have all your dependencies in the right place, you can delete your CMakeCache file, hit Configure... and you'll get a bunch of errors. At this point, it's natural to want to give up. Errors are things you have to deal with that maybe you don't want to have to deal with, or lack the skills to deal with. And that's fine. Nobody likes errors. Except the fuckers that made CMake, and what they don't really come out and tell you is that errors are just another part of the build process. You have to hit Configure again. And sometimes again. And each time (again, assuming that your build environment is properly set up; ie, there aren't any "real" errors anywhere) it will get a little bit closer to freedom. Until one day... boom. You get a clean configure, can hit generate, and go to town.

Maybe it's some twisted little lesson they're trying to teach us. "Don't give up, guys! You can do it if you just believe! Just keep hitting that bullshit Configure button, and someday candy will pop out if you just believe!"

I like CMake, mind you, but it isn't really.... umm... friendly.

That being said... specifically, what happens? What kind of errors does it generate? The programming world lives and dies by specifics.
Its saying install FreeType, how do I do that?
All of the dependencies Ogre needs to build can be downloaded here (linked from the Ogre Source download page). Click on the get source link on the right to choose .zip, .gz or .bz2 archive format.
"CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:13 (find_package):
By not providing "FindDirectX.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "DirectX", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "DirectX" with any
of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "DirectX" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"DirectX_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
"DirectX" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
been installed.

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!"

What should I do?
For actually building Ogre from source, the best place to look for info would be the Ogre site and forums. To me it sounds like you don't have the DirectX SDK installed, though. If you don't, you can get that from Microsoft.

Note, though, that building any non-trivial project from source, and especially as 64-bit, can (as you are discovering) be a frustrating headache if you are inexperienced, which it sounds like you are. If that is the case, then, what is your reasoning for insisting on 64-bit? I mean, if you had a particular need for 64-bit due to legitimate limitations of 32-bit, I could see the need for 64-bit only, but such a legitimate need would probably only occur to you at a certain level of experience. I don't mean any of this harshly, and maybe you do have that need, it's just that 64-bit still hasn't achieved what you might call a saturation point, since the subset of applications that truly need it are still relatively small. Typically, the ones that need it are juggernauts that run into the memory addressing limits of what 32-bit can provide. Are you hitting those limits, or do you just think that "64 is better because it's bigger"?

I have done a search of all the main suspects as far as 3D engines, and didn't really see any official 64-bit builds. You could try a more in-depth search, but I get the sneaking suspicion you're going to have to spend some time learning how to build large software packages from source. Anybody else out there know of anything I don't?

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