C#, which tools/technology to use?

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12 comments, last by Alain Menard 11 years, 5 months ago
Going to look at SDL.net and SFML.net now, thanks :) (i didnt even know they existed).
No problem, happy to help :) In case you like what you see and you can't decide between them, I would recommend SFML simply due to hardware acceleration (new SDL is *supposed* to be coming and addressing this issue ... but I doubt there will be a .NET wrapper that supports it for quite some time). Other than that they are very similar, and both really easy to use.
I have been messing around with MonoGame for a month now and really enjoy using it. I never used XNA much but the consensus seems to be its spot on. It is still in beta but I would highly recommend checking it out before making your final decision on what path to take, especially if you are already familiar with XNA and want to be able to jump right in to development.
The fact that Microsoft may be dropping XNA doesn't have any impact on your choice to use it or not. Your game will still work on both Windows 7 & 8...

Has it occured to anyone that maybe Microsoft is delaying any updates to XNA until the next XBox comes out (supposedly it's coming for XMas 2013)? No need to fiddle with something that works quite well on actual plateform just for the sake of changing the rev number. That isn't a rant but an honest point that I want to raise.

If XNA was totally broken that would be another story. But for what it was released for, which is indie game dev on XBox, PC and Phone 7, it does its job quite well.

So, if you know XNA and C# I would stick with it yet, at least for the next year. By then we may get the real deal on wether XNA lives on or die.
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