New Game Art Store from Heavy Cat Studios

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-1 comments, last by heavycat 11 years, 5 months ago

Heavy Cat Studios is an animation house based in Southern California near Hollywood. We offer creative services to game developers, producers, webmasters, directors, publishers and authors. We have a team of 44 creative professionals with a variety of specialized talents in illustration, voice acting, sound engineering, interactive design and script doctoring. We have developed or co-developed 29 games with a combined 2.5 million plays.

We're pleased to announce an IndieGoGo campaign featuring our first catalog of fantasy-adventure sprites, tiles and trading card illustrations for independent developers. Please visit our page and pass the word along to other game developers. We have the capacity to produce up to 700 custom illustrations per week and we will be adding science fiction, horror, pirate, zombie, modern urban, combat and many other genres and styles to our store.

During our campaign you can get a complete pack of up to 100 sprites for $20. That's not a typo. Twenty bucks.



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