Bilinear filter

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9 comments, last by dAND3h 11 years, 5 months ago
I got it sorted, thanks. I got another question though, What should the end result of a bright pass filter look like? Currently, My bright pass filter pixel shader looks like this:

float4 PS_BrightFilter(QuadVertexOutput In) : COLOR0
float4 rgba = tex2D(downSampledTextureSampler2,In.UV);
float luminance = dot(rgba,float3(0.299f,0.587f,0.114f));

return rgba * (luminance * 1.0);//The 1.0 here was just me testing values with a multiplier


And the resulting rendertarget is semi transparent , the transparency only seems to be where there is not much light. This seems like the correct result and it makes sense with the name, I just want to make sure I am not misinterpreting it.
Here is an image to show the result I am getting:

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