sky rendering

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-1 comments, last by Yours3!f 11 years, 5 months ago

I'm trying to do sky rendering based on this:

I got through most of the set up, I can now render to a cubemap, and display it, however I can't get the inverse view rotation matrix.
This is because I only worked with view-space, projection space so far. I tried to pass the inverse modelview matrix, but that didn't quite work out.
So my question is, is it possible to do this using view-space? If so how?

here's the shader I'm using:

#version 420 core

//uniform mat3 inv_view_rot;
uniform mat4 inv_proj;
uniform mat4 inv_modelview;
uniform vec3 lightdir, kr;
//vec3 kr = vec3(0.18867780436772762, 0.4978442963618773, 0.6616065586417131); // air
uniform float rayleigh_brightness, mie_brightness, spot_brightness, scatter_strength, rayleigh_strength, mie_strength;
uniform float rayleigh_collection_power, mie_collection_power, mie_distribution;
float surface_height = 0.99;
float range = 0.01;
float intensity = 1.8;
const int step_count = 16;

in cross_shader_data
vec2 tex_coord;
} i;

out vec4 color;

/*vec3 get_world_normal()
vec2 frag_coord = gl_FragCoord.xy/viewport;
frag_coord = (frag_coord-0.5)*2.0;
vec4 device_normal = vec4(frag_coord, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 eye_normal = normalize((inv_proj * device_normal).xyz);
vec3 world_normal = normalize(inv_view_rot*eye_normal);
return world_normal;

//what i tried to do
vec3 get_world_normal()
vec4 device_coords = vec4(i.tex_coord * 2.0 - 1.0, 0, 0);
return normalize((inv_modelview * inv_proj * device_coords).xyz);

float atmospheric_depth(vec3 position, vec3 dir)
float a = dot(dir, dir);
float b = 2.0*dot(dir, position);
float c = dot(position, position)-1.0;
float det = b*b-4.0*a*c;
float detSqrt = sqrt(det);
float q = (-b - detSqrt)/2.0;
float t1 = c/q;
return t1;

float phase(float alpha, float g)
float a = 3.0*(1.0-g*g);
float b = 2.0*(2.0+g*g);
float c = 1.0+alpha*alpha;
float d = pow(1.0+g*g-2.0*g*alpha, 1.5);
return (a/b)*(c/d);

float horizon_extinction(vec3 position, vec3 dir, float radius)
float u = dot(dir, -position);
return 1.0;
vec3 near = position + u*dir;
if(length(near) < radius)
return 0.0;
vec3 v2 = normalize(near)*radius - position;
float diff = acos(dot(normalize(v2), dir));
return smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, pow(diff*2.0, 3.0));

vec3 absorb(float dist, vec3 color, float factor)
return color-color*pow(kr, vec3(factor/dist));

void main(void)
vec3 eyedir = get_world_normal();

float alpha = dot(eyedir, lightdir);
float rayleigh_factor = phase(alpha, -0.01)*rayleigh_brightness;
float mie_factor = phase(alpha, mie_distribution)*mie_brightness;
float spot = smoothstep(0.0, 15.0, phase(alpha, 0.9995))*spot_brightness;
vec3 eye_position = vec3(0.0, surface_height, 0.0);
float eye_depth = atmospheric_depth(eye_position, eyedir);
float step_length = eye_depth/float(step_count);
float eye_extinction = horizon_extinction(eye_position, eyedir, surface_height-0.15);

vec3 rayleigh_collected = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 mie_collected = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

for(int i=0; i<step_count; i++)
float sample_distance = step_length*float(i);
vec3 position = eye_position + eyedir*sample_distance;
float extinction = horizon_extinction(position, lightdir, surface_height-0.35);
float sample_depth = atmospheric_depth(position, lightdir);
vec3 influx = absorb(sample_depth, vec3(intensity), scatter_strength)*extinction;
rayleigh_collected += absorb(sample_distance, kr*influx, rayleigh_strength);
mie_collected += absorb(sample_distance, influx, mie_strength);

rayleigh_collected = (rayleigh_collected*eye_extinction*pow(eye_depth, rayleigh_collection_power))/float(step_count);
mie_collected = (mie_collected*eye_extinction*pow(eye_depth, mie_collection_power))/float(step_count);

vec3 result = vec3(spot*mie_collected + mie_factor*mie_collected + rayleigh_factor*rayleigh_collected);
color = vec4(result + vec3(0.1)/*just to make sure that I am writing to the cubemap*/, 1.0);

EDIT: it seems to work now. I just had to use the original, and pass inverse view matrix (it turned out to be the upper left 3x3 matrix of the modelview matrix), and I had to use the correct cameras (not the players camera, but turned to left, right up, do etc.).

Best regards,

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