Creating Bullet Holes

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14 comments, last by Medo Mex 11 years, 4 months ago
Hi everyone,

How do I calculate the billboard transformation to make a bullet hole at certain point on a mesh?

The mesh can be complicated (building, vehicle, interiors, etc...), so I'm looking for a way to place the bullet hole billboard on the mesh at the point the player is shooting.
you can use a decal system like this
You can also take a look at this one:
I'm not looking to use shader now, is there is anyway to calculate the billboard position and vertex position information to set the billboard transformation according to that?
1- "p" is your intersected point

2- "v1,v2,v3" are your intersected face vertices

3- "N" is your face normal or you can calculate it from your vertices
A = v2 - v1
B = v3 - v1
N = normalize( cross( A , B ) )

4- Calculate your Up and Right vector
up = normalize( p - v1 )
right = cross( up , N )

5- "Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4" are your Quad vertices and can calculate like this
Q1 = p + up * scale
Q2 = p - up * scale
Q3 = p + right * scale
Q4 = p - right * scale
@stc.5421: What about the billboard rotation?
You don't need it , that create a quad align to the mesh face .
this is a d3d10 sample, why is do you give him d3d10 code?, plus its not even the full source code...
@stc.5421: I have LPD3DXMESH, how can I calculate the face normal, face vertices?
Did you do intersect to your mesh by D3DXIntersect function?

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