Can the GPU modify a ID3D10EffectVectorVariable?

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2 comments, last by sensate 11 years, 4 months ago
What i want to do is read all the texels of a 2Dtexture to find a texel that has 1 special value, there is always only one texel or none with this special value, then i want to save its (x,y) texture coordinates to use the texel in other frames.
so my problem is a fast way to save that location.
Rendering to a texture with just 1 texel the (x,y) coordinates, is a solution but i want to know if there are better ways.
You could implement it with the Compute Shader (GPU) - that's the fastest way.

from time to time i find time

That makes me sad, i can't use compute shader.
You could start with parallel reduction, there is a nice tutorial in glsl here:

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