Tutorials sought

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1 comment, last by Goran Milovanovic 11 years, 4 months ago
Hey Gamdev community,

Since this is my very first post, let me introduce myself: I'm a 15 year old programmer. I have some experience of programming and can code some Java(and other "languages" like GML, javascript etc. but I don't count them as real languages). C++ is still a bit too hard for me and I can't really find any good tutorials that are game related, so I guess I'm sticking with Java for a while before I can take the step to C++.

But let's get to my question. I am wanting to make my own Java game with OpenGL and I'm already able to make something with it, but I would like to find a few tutorials on this subject that are a bit faster paced than for example the tutorials of TheNewBoston(I don't need a 7 min explanation on if statements, I get it). I've also watched TheCodingUnivers' tutorial, because that is were I got my basic OpenGL knowlegde.

So basically I was wondering if there were any good tutorials on OpenGL and Java? I would prefer if it would be less explanation and more creating/showing things.

Thanks in advance!
Sounds like you ought to step away from video tutorials, and start reading some :) While they may not be less explanatory, it is way easier for you to skip ahead, once you understand the topic.

Based on my own experience these are good points of entry:
http://lwjgl.org/ Best OpenGL wrapper for Java (I should probarbly not call it the best, since there are a lot of different opinions on this topic, but it is the most used wrapper for comercial use).
http://nehe.gamedev.net/ OpenGL Most of their guides have LWJGL code as well. Otherwise OpenGL is OpenGL regardless of Java or not.
http://www.cokeandcode.com/ A great blog! also the home of the Slick library

Also remember that c++ is not the necessarily the next step. It is some thing that is good to learn at some point, but you can make great games with Java, without knowing any c++.
I wouldn't recommend an OpenGL project for someone who's looking to "ease into" game development. From the same perspective, Java is only somewhat less tedious than C++, so you're not really making it that much easier for yourself.

To build up your skills, I would recommend starting with Python, and following my Python video tutorial series, which actually walks you through the development of a small memory match game, from start to finish.

Unlike "TheNewBoston" tutorials, my series moves swiftly (11 videos, around 30 minutes each), and it results in a playable game.


| Game Dev video tutorials -> http://www.youtube.com/goranmilovano | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

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