Direct3D UYVY texture.

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1 comment, last by Chr1sen 11 years, 4 months ago
Hello! I am making custom video player that can play videos using UYVY textures.

Now I've made sure two things(fairly new GPU card):

1) my computer supports nonpower textures
2) my computer supports UYVY textures
3) the data and width/height is correct(frame). I've verified it with many different ways. For example, doing the conversion manually into RGB32 and using that as texture, it works.

Bottom line is;
my GPU can't handle UYVY textures sometimes.

For example, some video resolutions work fine, such as:
720x528 or something..

On other video resolutions, the texture output is completely gibberish. It's just a bunch of messy stuff and reminds me zigzag lines.
Are there some limitations I am not aware of? Or has anyone dealt with this?

On another note, I am using Direct3D9, can anyone suggest me some keywords to google around so I could upload YUV data into shader and then take over the "sampling" process & converting it into RGB process?

As far I've searched;
you can have only one texture active at shader stage, with DX9, so it means I have to upload all the YUV data into texture at once.

So, for example UYVY frame will take width*height + width*height/2 + width*height/2 pixels, and I am not sure if GPUS even support so big textures ?! when talking about fullHD movies.
I am also not sure how should I do the sampling myself.
When you copy data into your texture, do you take the pitch into account? D3D tells you the pitch when you lock/map the texture.

e.g. a 19x3 texture might look like this, where in between the rows (0/1/2), there's some padding (P):
you can have only one texture active at shader stage
No, there's many sampler slots that you can bind textures to, per shader stage.

Thanks. I got everything working now.

It's a shame that I really didn't see people use the "Pitch" property. I guess they are mostly dealing textures that have the Pitch same as Source width.

		/// <summary>
		/// Copies content into destinationBuffer.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="texture">actual texture </param>
		/// <param name="contentToCopy">source bfufer</param>
		/// <param name="sourcePitch">source stride</param>
		private static void CopyToTexture(Texture texture, byte[] contentToCopy, int sourcePitch)
			var data = texture.LockRectangle(0, LockFlags.Discard);
			var y = 0;

			for (var scanLineStart = 0; scanLineStart < contentToCopy.Length; scanLineStart += sourcePitch, y++)
				data.Data.WriteRange(contentToCopy, scanLineStart, sourcePitch);
				data.Data.Seek((y + 1)*data.Pitch, SeekOrigin.Begin);


And if anyone is interested, then I ended up using this for my YUV->RGB shader:

though I am thinking about writing my own shader that could use only one sampler2D, so I could pass packed YUV formats directly into the GPU. Though I am not sure where to begin. Is that even a good idea? The texture is defintely gonna be huge as hell though.

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