Max players with unity server

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16 comments, last by Butabee 11 years, 3 months ago

If anyone is having problems with network.instatiate leaving old copies of disconnected players around you have to make an RPC call with the RPCMode set to allbuffered that calls Network.RemoveRPCs Network.DestroyPlayerObjects. This only works if the objects were instatiated by a player.

This problem was driving me crazy for a whole day before I found a post about it buried in the web.


I've worked around the network views and pretty much do everything with RPCs. I also limited the amount of players that each player can receive updates for a second on the servier side.

With this I should be able to support 6000+ players assuming the server system can handle the physics. The networking could at least handle it... still not sure about the CPU and memory requirements.

"Players out of a certain range of each other have their networkviews disabled."

Now if you can guarantee that N+1 players dont decide to all be in the same proxiimity (the old problem)

Shrinking areas (radius) that players can see ? -- If throttling update rates gets too infrequent too fast ....


"6000+ players" unfortunately systems like this can bottleneck very quickly (at lower numbers than you expect) and sporadically (which even a fraction of the time can make the game unplayable)

--------------------------------------------[size="1"]Ratings are Opinion, not Fact
Unity is going to barf with 6000 players in a single physics space.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

I'm thinking I can turn off the colliders too and only send verty sparse player updates. Only smooth movement is based on the built in physics. I should be able to disable colliders for players outside viewing distance of others.

I'm not deeply familiar with how well PhysX scales, but you're likely to run into a lot more problems than just separating your collider groups into simulation islands.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

I tried turning off the colliders, and the player would crawl back to the old position at the time the collider was enabled when I tried moving.

I guess I'll see how low I can get the physics step without messing things up.

I'm also using character controllers for NPCs and players which aren't as strenuous as something like a rigidbody would be.

I guess another thing I could do is disable static object colliders when nothing is near them.

Does Unity physics use any sort of space partitioning?

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