Lynx Camera - Rapid 3d Capture for Structure, Shape, and Motion

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-1 comments, last by Dustin Hopper 11 years, 3 months ago

Hey everyone!

(TL/DR: Kickstarter, Website)

I work for a startup company called Lynx Laboratories. We're creating the first 3D capture device, which can digitize the shape and motion of what it sees.
The details:
  • The camera does three things: scene modeling, object modeling, and motion capture.
  • The goal is to capture high quality content that would otherwise be made by hand today, like the 2D camera did for oil painting:
    • five hour 3D modeling tasks can be done in just minutes
    • animators can have a motion capture studio in their backpack - reducing the total amount of time required to animate
    • asset creation is now easier than ever, with any (not small) object or scene you could imagine

We have videos available on our website, Kickstarter, and YouTube channel. Let me know what you guys think! I'd love to answer any questions and hear comments/suggestions.


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