.3DS Animation - Pos Rot and Scale tracks structure

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12 comments, last by BrendanWebster 11 years, 2 months ago

The data of the three chunks seems to match how OpenGL does it (0xB020 is the translation in the X/Y/Z axes, 0xB021 is the rotation which I already explained, 0xB022 is the scaling in the X/Y/Z axes), there isn't much more to it, really (translation and scaling should be pretty easy to figure out). The only issue is that I don't know in what order they're made... but even then there are only six possible combinations, so in the worst case you could just try them all and you'll eventually hit the correct one.

There's also the issue of interpolation between keyframes. For translation and scaling I assume it's just interpolation as-is, for rotation I suppose you'll need to normalize the axis (the 2nd to 4th floats) before applying the rotation. Guessing here, never worked with the format.

Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.

I don't know if you want to write this all yourself or not, but you could look at Assimp to get some ideas

assimp loads lots of 3D file types and they make it easy to extract 3D animation data. Assimp is written for a few languages and they have the source code available for download

I don't know if you want to write this all yourself or not, but you could look at Assimp to get some ideas

assimp loads lots of 3D file types and they make it easy to extract 3D animation data. Assimp is written for a few languages and they have the source code available for download

Didn't know that was open source, sweet idea I shall check it out, thank you :)

yeah, no problem, I actually didn't know either till I looked at their webpage again

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