Directx 10 fx file ?

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-1 comments, last by podelo 11 years, 1 month ago

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to get an fxo file from an fx file using fxc.exe to compile my fx file.

I used first Nvidia FX Composer to generate my fx file, it worked but the generated code was adapted for Directx 9, so i couldn't compile it to an fxo file using the PS/VS_4_0_level_9_3 profiles.

So, i then tried to generate my fx file with 3DSMAX 2013, but the button "Save as .fx file..." in the Material Editor was disabled.

My question is: How can i generate an fx file with a Directx 10-enabled code compatibility ?

And, what do you guys use to make your fx files ?

Thanks in advance,


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