Malware alert!

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12 comments, last by Dynamo_Maestro 11 years, 1 month ago

I'm using Chrome and I'm getting the same malware warning. Like Jefferson, I didn't even know there was a pac-man game!

Any way that gdnet can remove the offending game/banner?


I use Chrome and play pacman to my heart's content* when goes down, oftentimes laughing at Boolean's pacman-less error pages while doing so. tongue.png

*'my heart's content', when it comes to pacman, is very low. I vote puts Lode Runner on the error page instead.

*'my heart's content', when it comes to pacman, is very low. I vote puts Lode Runner on the error page instead.

why not make it randomly select a game from a pool of different games, then we'll have an assortment of games to keep us occupied when gamedev goes down=-)
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

The pacman site probably has some .htaccess files that were modified to redirect to known malware sites and as a result is considered malware. I've had that happen before.

(on the note of chrome being malware)

Chrome does install Chrome updates without telling you (super annoying, as it bogs down my computer quite a bit, I have to manually exit the process from task manager if it gets really bad). So yes, it does install software without alerting the user.

BUUUUT on the subject of pac man, I do not get malware warnings at all.

I did get an unusual message while trying to log on, first of its kind with IE10, forgot what it was, didn't seem important (far too trusting of me) but it did hide that annoying captcha when attempting to reset password. Something about secure content only being loaded or something.

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