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4 comments, last by mdias 11 years, 1 month ago

Is flash + flixel a good choice for 2d games on PC? I heard that flash is only use for internet games which i am not interested!


As you can see at flixel's website, it is successful at what it does, and there are some very successful games made with it. I can't say more about it since I've never worked with it though.

However, if you don't yet know AS3, I would say that your time would be better spent learning C# with Unity as it will probably turn out to be more useful for you later.

I would say that your time would be better spent learning C# with Unity as it will probably turn out to be more useful for you later.

This isn't so much true if he wants to stick to 2D games. You CAN do 2D with Unity, but it isn't really the best tool for the job.

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I agree, it isn't by itself the best tool. However there are some (paid) addons to make the programmer life much easier.
Also, even if the OP doesn't want to spend money, he will learn much more in the long run.
He will learn C# instead of a language that will be slowly fading away (AS3), as well as how 2D is done on today's hardware. He may also use his experience to create 3D games later on, and he will be able to target a variety of platforms easily.
I have developed in flash for years and have struggled to keep it running with acceptable performance on the 2D games I have developed for my previous employer. If enough (not that many) movieclips are moving within the stage, you'll easily reach the limits of flash. Backgrounds with parallax with moderate resolution will slow it to a crawl. And don't even think of adding special effects.
All of these can be implemented easily in a 3D engine like Unity, and sometimes it will even make your job easier (parallax is there automagically). You should also never get into problems performance-wise, unless doing crazy stuff.
Last but not least, there's plenty of documentation and community support for Unity.

Thanks for the replays! I learnt C# and XNA and i was playing around with it but i did not like the fact that i can run my games only on Win.So i tryed MonoGame but the documentation is messy. Unity sounds awesome but i need to pay for it ... this is disappointing.

P.S:Also i know Java pretty well, but C# seems more conveable in terms of Frameworks and flexibility for me. I don't have any problems with Java if you guys think its better to stick with it

Unity sounds awesome but i need to pay for it ... this is disappointing.

Actually they have a pretty cool license that allows indie developers to do a lot for free, including selling the game! Only if you make more than $100k a year you'll HAVE to buy the pro version.

I don't think you'll miss any of the pro-only features for a 2D game though. They're mostly about eye-candy for 3D games. Just be aware that Unity3D isn't thought around 2D games, and so you'll have to implement (or find implementations by others, the addons system is pretty cool!) texture animation manually and so on. It sure is

">possible though.

I don't know much about java frameworks so I can't help much, but I hear there are pretty decent ones.

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