Make site menus touch aware

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4 comments, last by evolutional 11 years, 1 month ago

Like many people these days, I do the majority of my browsing via a touch screen device on the full fat version of the site. However, I have the issue that the top menus aren't optimised for touch, instead they rely on mouseover events. I find myself constantly being unable to get where I want to be on the site because I can't use the menu properly on my device.

The ideal menu would be like how Facebook does it on touch devices - a tap to drop it down, then a tap to select your item. It'd be great if we could add something similar.


Made a small change though I don't have a way to test it.. this any better?

It's no different :(

What browser or operating system are you using?

Windows 8RT, IE10.0.9200.16519

Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer || Version: Mozilla 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; ARM; Trident/6.0; Touch; .NET4.0E; .NET4.0C; Tablet PC 2.0)

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