Snake Game movement help

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5 comments, last by stein102 11 years, 1 month ago

I'm working on a snake game and I've been stuck on the movement for the last half hour or so and figure it's time to get some assistance on this. I've gone through several possible solutions, but I keep getting the same result. When a new piece to the snake is added, it draws the new block in the correct spot to start with, but when the update method is run, all the snake parts are drawn in the same place. This is my code:

LinkedList<WormBlock> wormDataCopy = wormData;
			for(int i = 1; i < wormData.size();i++){
				wormData.set(i, wormDataCopy.get(i-1));

Any idea what I've done wrong?

Try removing the tail of the snake, if you are not already doing that in the code.

Removing the tail of the snake? Why would I remove the tail of the snake?

Ah, I meant remove the tail of the snake, and add it do the head. That will create the illusion of movement, wouldn't it?

And just to make sure I am not embarrassing myself, when you say snake game, you mean the one where the snake move around in 4 directions, and eat apple food to grow bigger, yes?

Yes, that's the game I'm working on. That solution has never occurred to me though, very clever. I was making it much more complicated than I had to, I'll implement that right now.

I hope it works out, because I've never made a snake game before, and therefore I don't know if it works. It was just one of those "light bulb" moments.

It worked perfectly, very easy and simple to implement. A lot less clutter than my other solutions as well.

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