I Want Game Programming

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12 comments, last by Luis Angel Jimenez 11 years, 1 month ago

Unless you're specifically trying to learn a language, I would begin with something like Unity3D. No, I'm not a unity fanatic, but it will cut your development time a great deal, they have some decent documentation, and some complete game examples. Also, you can script in JavaScript and C#. There's really no such thing as a "Best" language; every language has its own idiosychrocies. Generally, what you do in one language, you can do in another. C++, C#, and java are object oriented languages: meaning, they give you the ability to create "objects" as opposed to functional programming. Say you develop with C#. That means you have to use the .NET platform, and you're developing mainly for windows. Then you still have to consider asset creation. JavaScript is a pain in the butt sometimes, because you have to run the code in a web browser, sometimes without any visual feedback.There is more to creating a game than simply writing code.You need to get programming practices down pat.


Personally, before I started doing any programming in a game environment I learned how to code. I started with C++, the university I go to started us with C++. After becoming fairly comfortable with the language I got interested in learning a few others. I looked into Java and then C#. I decided a few months ago to try out Unity. It has been fun playing around with it. I suggest learning to code, in any language, that has a lot of online support. Then jumped into a simple engine, like unity, and play around. Make things, break things, test, fail, and sometimes succeed. If you are motivated you will eventually get some great results!

Thank you but i got a doubt.

Do you mean Java or JavaScript?

Java is correct

Unless you're specifically trying to learn a language, I would begin with something like Unity3D. No, I'm not a unity fanatic, but it will cut your development time a great deal, they have some decent documentation, and some complete game examples. Also, you can script in JavaScript and C#. There's really no such thing as a "Best" language; every language has its own idiosychrocies. Generally, what you do in one language, you can do in another. C++, C#, and java are object oriented languages: meaning, they give you the ability to create "objects" as opposed to functional programming. Say you develop with C#. That means you have to use the .NET platform, and you're developing mainly for windows. Then you still have to consider asset creation. JavaScript is a pain in the butt sometimes, because you have to run the code in a web browser, sometimes without any visual feedback.There is more to creating a game than simply writing code.You need to get programming practices down pat.

Ok thanks, But do I need any prior knowledge or experience to learn Unity3d?

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