Microsoft burned down my home, where now?

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41 comments, last by 3Ddreamer 11 years ago

XNA is mature and not dead, which actually makes developing with it easier than if it were still growing. Just like in human relationships, mature is better !

Monogame is really the way to go, but either way, games made with XNA or Monogame will run for years in people's devices.

Enjoy the development environment for years to come, stop complaining, and start making money with games soon! Construction on the doorway has practically stopped, but the Door is still open!


This is a great answer that touches on one other important point: the fact that XNA is no longer being developed means that the API has stabilized. Means that you can safely develop using XNA now and know that your code is still going to run and be valid in 5 years time as Microsoft won't be pulling the carpet out from under you by changing the API.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.


I read most of this but not sure if it was mentioned.

You can't download the DirectX SDK for Vs2012 however the Windows SDk (free) contains the DirectX SDk and can be used with vs2012 yes that includes express.

So if you're wanting to develop with C++ you won't need to spend anymore, download the Visual Studio Express 2012 for Desktop and Windows SDK for Windows 7 or WIndows SDK if you're on Windows 8.

I hope I've helped.

By the way - I forgot to mention - Unity 3D was originally based from Mono, which many people don't know. Stuff has been ported from Mono/C# and Unity 3D version iterations have taken a life of their own, but you see the enormous potential in staying with C#. You can do almost anything using libraries in C# that you could do in C++ and vice versa. Being tough to stay the course is important to demonstrate to your network and future prospects, as well. smile.png

I really am critical of switching anything major unless there is legitimate, compelling reason to do so. It is very important to excel in one game engine and one or two languages before moving to something else, normally, in my trying-to-stay-humble opinion. tongue.png


Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

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