Torque 3D vs Unity 3D

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16 comments, last by SymLinked 10 years, 10 months ago

@Dwarf King - GarageGames marketing is wondering if we could use your pee in your pants analogy in future marketing material. We've said the same before, but never so eloquently.

Hi Eric, good to see you around here smile.png I have never claimed any copyright for what I write on so feel free to use what I wrote in the post above.


Dwarf King

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education"

Albert Einstein

"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education"

Albert Einstein


From programming professionally for ten years, I tend to agree with Dwarf King's points about Torque. It is better to have an engine that you can dig into and customize, it allows you to flex and expand your programming skills. Also, you get to learn some game engine design. I am new to Torque and game programming, but it seems like this is wise place to start and there is no real financial risk.

Hmm, Torque3D looks quite interesting! I'm gonna look into it as well, I use Unity for some things but I'd much prefer an engine like Torque!

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And Ogre3d?

And Ogre3d?

That's a rendering engine, not a complete game engine. When you go that route, you have to fill in the gaps for the other aspects of the game that you need: audio, networking, physics, and so on. There are plenty of open source libraries out there that you can cobble together to use with OGRE, so it's not that big of a deal. There are several pros and cons to this approach. One big advantage here is that you can mix and match libraries and not include anything you don't need, particularly useful if your game is limited in scope. One particular disadvantage is that you don't get the convenience of the built-in editors provided by monolith frameworks like Torque and Unity, and that's a big one for many types of games.

So I think comparing OGRE specifically with Torque and Unity isn't very useful. However, it is appropriate to compare the approach of using monolith packages with that of putting components together piecemeal.

I would go with Unity, but it is your choice...

Do you want to craft a game or do you want to craft / maintain an engine? That is a very important factor,.

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I do like Unity, and I really like their new mobile deployment. But for PC games, Torque 3D (IMO) beats anything that doesn't cost millions. And even in the case of engines that cost millions, it isn't too far behind.

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