Ninja Cat and Zombie Dinosaurs - free web game finished

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2 comments, last by Koshmaar 10 years, 11 months ago

Hey guys and gals, I'd like to announce that my first indie flash / Flixel project is complete smile.png



Zombie Dinosaurs have invaded Paris! Ninja Cat needs to kill them with shurikens and katana. Type or die. Original idea, lots of action, addicting gameplay and polished execution!

Features: 5 long levels featuring well known places from Paris, 4 totally diferent dinosaurs (raptor, triceratops, pterodactyl, brachiosaur), 1 boss (T Rex), 4 powerups (health, score, shield, slow motion), 3 difficulty levels, optional stars for additional chalange, statistics. Try to build the biggest combo to score the most points.You can take screenshot from stats screen to brag before your friends on Facebook. Game can be finished and has an outro.

Remember: zombie dinosaurs make learning fun!

I've made almost whole game by myself (code, design, art) - except for music and sounds. The game has been sold at FGL (for peanuts) and is currently playable for free on internet:

It took me 9 months total, during which I've learned everything related to Flash platform from scratch. You can read the complete postmortem on my blog:

Play, comment and rate (if you want smile.png ), feedback appreciated.



Nice game but I have noticed what I think is quite a big bug.

If you type the first letter of a word then press enter the word auto completes itself.

OMG, you're right. Somehow this part of the debug code is there %))) That's strange because I had this kind of C++ macrodirectives for DEBUG parts, and it was always disabled for build releases.

Fortunately you're not getting points when you ENTER words... you have to fully type them to get points. But still, for updated version I will disable this.

Just relesed trailer :)



Please share if you like.

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