Character getting small when I move away

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9 comments, last by ankhd 10 years, 10 months ago

I notice that the character is getting small when I move away from him.

Though, the character size when I'm very close to him is very good, so the only issue when I start moving away.

EDIT: The character is much smaller than he should be from a small distance.


Yeah, that is called perspective, things further away appear to be smaller.

What is problem with that?

If you don't want that to happen, you could try using an orthographic projection instead. That will preserve the size of the object regardless of the distance from the viewer.

Yes, I know that anything far should be smaller, but the character appear much smaller than he should.

The problem is not about that the far object is smaller, the problem is that the character is getting unrealistically smaller (much smaller when I move a little bit far from him which appear not realistic size for a small distance).

Describe "much smaller than he should". If you double the distance something in a physically accurate simulation will appear to be half the size; what two distances are you using to do this comparison and what relative sizes have you got (make sure you measure them properly)?

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

There must be something wrong with your matrices, some code would be nice or no one will be able to help you :)

In this screenshot the main player is not far away from the character, however I feel like the character is very small compared to a small distance.


On a featureless terrain like that, it's pretty difficult to even say how big a character should be in relation. Throw some more objects in there for point of reference, then adjust your scales.

The character seems to be quite the right size. You'll need to present several pictures in order to explain the problem.

However, in my opinion, your code is working as intended. You may try to lower the field-of-view a little bit in order to make distant object to scale slower. I say a little bit since the FOV in the screenshot seems quite reasonable.


I also think that the screenshot is ok, a video would give us a lot of info too.

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