Modulated: Mech Arena Combat

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4 comments, last by Graylord 10 years, 5 months ago


I am making a mech arena simulator which I am calling Modulated.
It's a game where you customize your own mech and take it to fight in the arenas, earn money, parts and materials to build your mech further.
The gameplay focuses on simulation, where you have to plan your moves and build ahead of time rather than just relying on twitch reflexes.
If you go for the thoughest mech possible, you may find that it is difficult and heavy to control.

There currently 17 different part slots (more planned) and each part is unique, rather than just a statistical improvement from the last.


(Note that some of the assets are placeholders which have already been replaced.)

You can read more about it here:


I have finished (for now) more parts!

I am now done replacing all the temporary prototype placeholders, and can now focus on polish, tweaking and improving ai and features, and adding content and new features.

What engine/map format are you using?

I'm using UDK.

Please keep in mind that the game is very much a skeleton and only contains the absolute bare essentials at the moment.
Consider it more of a test of the gameplay feel, presentation and controls rather than the content of the game as a whole.

While my updates at are awaiting authorization, you can find the game at

The V0.02 has been released on Desura!


- Issue where the "previous" and "next" arrow buttons overlapped fixed.
- 3d interfaces now have audio and visual cues.
- Options no longer change instantly, but on leaving the options menu.
- Hitting an opponent now results in a visual effect on the crosshairs, accompanied by a subtle sound effect.
- Heatmeter Implemented, displays recharge time, charge-up time and heat dissapation all in one.
- All weapons re-tooled to follow the heat-meter logic.
- Charger no longer spammable.
- Gatling gun now subject to overheating.
- Camera now zooms onto the area you are customizing if desired and the list has been re-ordered.
- Crash occurring on level load should be fixed.
- Performance issues in the main menu has been alleviated a bit for now.


- Optimization not yet in focus for development, mid to lower range specs may experience performance related crashes and freezes.
- Collision can glitch when stopping.
- AI occationally "gives up".
- AI occationally walks into and on top of obstacles.

Let me know what you think of the changes!

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