Review copies available for HLSL development Cookbook - Packt Publishing

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2 comments, last by sandyp 10 years, 9 months ago


We have a few e-copies of HLSL Development Cookbook available for review.

If interested, just do the following:

1. Drop an email to me with the subject line as "HLSL Development Cookbook- Review Request" on

2. State in the comments section below what interests you about HLSL.

Since we have few copies available selected members will be given the oppurtunity.

HLSL Development Cookbook will provide you with a series of essential recipes to help you make the most out of different rendering techniques used within games and simulations using the DirectX 11 API. Feel free to click on the book lpage for more information about the book.

Hurry up HLSL enthusiasts you don't wanna miss out on the chance of getting these free copies

Thanks for the amazing response via mails. It would be really great if you could mention here in your comments the reason you want to review the book.

Best Regards,

Sandy Joseph


Sandy Joseph
Marketing Research Executive | Packt Publishing |

Thank you for this opportunity sandyp!

I am interested in reviewing this book for a number of reasons. I am mainly a gameplay programmer, but I have a strong interest in graphics programming. I've implemented a few shaders before, like the Phong model and very basic shadow mapping. I'm looking to use a book to hone my skills and be able to understand topics such as global illumination and post-processing.

Hi Gangsta,

Thanks for expressing your interest in reviewing the book.

Have a nice time reading it.


Sandy Joseph

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