Coffee, the engine 0.0.2

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20 comments, last by haegarr 10 years, 4 months ago

deleted: wrong link.


Wrong link, here it is:

The speach text has been updated, a speech video will come the following days as well.

Please note that DevMaster features list is already outdated, will try a nice way to expose it on the website later on...

First press release is available.

... and next Coffee beta release is coming this week.

Featuring full Editor/GUI drag&drop support, user friendly Explorer (asset/resource browser), enhanced shaders/materials support, and bunch of bugfixes as usual.

The first games done with Coffee are available for free (final builds and project sources/assets), in the Coffee Shop, they will be extended for each releases.

Stay tuuuuned! ...and please, give it a quick look, when you are at Coffee pause! smile.png

Coffee PRO 0.2.23 and Coffee FREE 0.2.7 are out!

Website has been updated as well.

So the next version is coming, it fixes random crashes when reimporting assets in the editor.

... and, I passed the weekend to add kind of Soft Shadows on shadow volumes.

While it's a bit fake (depends of lights/tweaking), it works nicely and was easy to implement, apart from lacking documentation.

Basically it's done in two passes (kind of, fullscreen quads) per light in a deferred renderer, like any blur postprocess :

- first pass requires GLEE_ARB_stencil_texturing & GLEE_EXT_gpu_shader4, it's just a simple horizontal gaussian blur of stencil buffer, with radius based on distance sample/light & depth (& taking normals into account for artifacts)

- second pass just make the same but based on the output of first one, vertically (just no more stencil things)

- usual deferred light pass, multiplying final output by shadow buffer or one depending of Softness param

It's heavier than blur, cause you need usual pos reconstruction and things, but I was surprised of the perf on my cheap GT415M, and it's easily customizable for end-users, so it's in the release as well.

Other details here:

Mini bump:

About Indiegogo campaign: while there are 30 days remaining, it's already considered as an epic-fail. Not sure how the Indiegogo factor works, even some empty projects appear on the "most popular" pages, while coffee is nowhere. At least I tried.

PRO License of Coffee is fixed to $50.

See you.

Coffee 0.3 is out!



Facebook: coffee3d

Twitter: #coffee3d

YouTube: CoffeeTheEngine



Coffee Web Player is supported on Kongregate :

Not sure if users will accept it, will add direct deployment option in editor if it stays there a while.

A bit depressed, but I'm up for the Ludum Dare 28!

This will be a messy game with cube-ships and alien-cubes hacking...

edit: oh, and it'll add some little but useful improvements on Coffee as well.

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