Texture problem on a 3d model

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2 comments, last by oenda 10 years, 4 months ago

This is very strange error.I have an ms3d(milkshape 3d) model.I am rendering it but it doesnt appear correctly.It is covered by repeated white textures.

I load textures with sfml.My texture loading code:

bool CImage::Load(char * szFilename, bool bMipMap)
	m_bMipMap = bMipMap;
	m_szFilename = szFilename;

    sf::Image img_data;

    m_uiWidth = img_data.getSize().x;
	m_uiHeight = img_data.getSize().y;

    m_uiImage = 0;

	glGenTextures(1, &m_uiImage);
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_uiImage);

		gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, m_uiWidth, m_uiHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,  img_data.getPixelsPtr());
		glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, m_uiWidth, m_uiHeight, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,  img_data.getPixelsPtr());

	return true;


Any help will be appreciated.


Is it possible the UVs need to be normalised?

DirectX and OpenGL use normalised texture coordinates. That is, regardless of the texture's width and height, (0,0) and (1,1) will always represent opposite corners of the texture image. It's possible that the ms3d model format (or the loading code you use) uses non-normalised texture coordinates, so that a 512x512 texture would have (0,0) and (512,512) as it's corners.

Try dividing the UV coordinates by the texture dimensions and see if that gets you anywhere.

Is it possible the UVs need to be normalised?

DirectX and OpenGL use normalised texture coordinates. That is, regardless of the texture's width and height, (0,0) and (1,1) will always represent opposite corners of the texture image. It's possible that the ms3d model format (or the loading code you use) uses non-normalised texture coordinates, so that a 512x512 texture would have (0,0) and (512,512) as it's corners.

Try dividing the UV coordinates by the texture dimensions and see if that gets you anywhere.

Possible but not sure. You are definitely on the right track with the UV coordinates. Also @oenda your texture loading code appears to be fine it's probably something like C0lumbo said.

I didn't change anything except texture loading code.I read examples.I found solution at Opengl example.Problem is not related to UV coordinates.It is related to texture loading.The solution is:

    GLuint id = 0;
        sf::Image image;
        if (image.loadFromFile(szFilename))
        glGenTextures(1, &id);
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id);
        gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA, image.getSize().x, image.getSize().y, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image.getPixelsPtr());


m_uiImage = id;

I don't know why but problem has been solved.Thanks for your help.

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