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18 comments, last by Trienco 10 years, 3 months ago
Why not just convert to base 16 (hex) by yourself? The math is not that hard (num % 16, num /= 16).
See here.

It's not that hard, but it's still tricky to get the code right. Try writing the function yourself and post it here.

Here's some completely untested code that should do the trick. It should be equivalent to the much simpler sprintf(result, "%08x", value);

I don't think it's especially tricky to write. It's not so easy to read and understand though.


// Assumes result has at least 9 bytes of space to write to
void GetHexString(uint32_t value, char *result)
  static const char *digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
  uint32_t shift = 32-4;
  for (int i=0; i < 8; i++)
    result[i] = digits[(value >> shift) & 0xf];
    shift -= 4;
  result[8] = 0;


That code does look pretty good. It's not exactly equivalent to the sprintf call, because you are using capital letters.
This is the function I use:
std::string UnsignedIntToHexString(uint32_t value, const std::string &prefix = "0x", size_t digits = 8, bool uppercase = true)
	return UnsignedIntToHexString((uint64_t)value, prefix, digits, uppercase);

//Converts an integer to a std::string, in hexadecimal format. 'digits' is the fixed number of digits that show up.
//For example, 0x00FF00AA shows zeroes if 'digits' is 8, and only shows 0x00AA, if 'digits' is 4.
std::string UnsignedIntToHexString(uint64_t value, const std::string &prefix = "0x", size_t digits = 16, bool uppercase = true)
	const char *symbols = (uppercase? "0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef");

	//Fill everything with zeroes (including the digits above the first 8 digits).
	std::string result((prefix.size() + digits), '0');

	//I'm kinda cheating here. If we have less than 8 digits, we intentionally are subtracting
	//from 'startIndex'. For example, if we have 6 digits, we subtract 2 from the starting index,
	//because 'case 6' in the switch statement lower down this function adds 2 to the index.
	const size_t startIndex = prefix.size() + (int(digits) - 16);
	digits %= 16; //This is a 64 bit number, so any digit above 16 leave as zero.

	//Write the prefix, if there is one.
		result.replace(0, prefix.size(), prefix);

		Each 'digit' of a hexadecimal number is 4 bits (2^4 = 16).

		First, shift the 4 bits we want over to the far-right side of the number.
		(value >> 28)

		Second, mask the value, so it's *only* those 4 bits (a value between 0 and 15)
		((...) & 0x0F)

		Finally, use that value to lookup the symbol in the symbol array.
		symbols[ ... ]
		//I am intentionally using case-statement fall-through here.
		case 16: result[startIndex + 0] = symbols[((value >> 60) & 0x0F)];
		case 15: result[startIndex + 1] = symbols[((value >> 56) & 0x0F)];
		case 14: result[startIndex + 2] = symbols[((value >> 52) & 0x0F)];
		case 13: result[startIndex + 3] = symbols[((value >> 48) & 0x0F)];
		case 12: result[startIndex + 4] = symbols[((value >> 44) & 0x0F)];
		case 11: result[startIndex + 5] = symbols[((value >> 40)  & 0x0F)];
		case 10: result[startIndex + 6] = symbols[((value >> 36)  & 0x0F)];
		case 9: result[startIndex +  7] = symbols[((value >> 32)  & 0x0F)];
		case 8: result[startIndex +  8] = symbols[((value >> 28) & 0x0F)];
		case 7: result[startIndex +  9] = symbols[((value >> 24) & 0x0F)];
		case 6: result[startIndex + 10] = symbols[((value >> 20) & 0x0F)];
		case 5: result[startIndex + 11] = symbols[((value >> 16) & 0x0F)];
		case 4: result[startIndex + 12] = symbols[((value >> 12) & 0x0F)];
		case 3: result[startIndex + 13] = symbols[((value >> 8)  & 0x0F)];
		case 2: result[startIndex + 14] = symbols[((value >> 4)  & 0x0F)];
		case 1: result[startIndex + 15] = symbols[((value >> 0)  & 0x0F)];
		default: break;

	return result;
And binary:
//Converts an integer to a std::string, in binary format. 'digits' is the fixed number of digits that show up.
//'blockSize' is the number of characters before being seperated by 'seperator' (usually a space or a hyphen).
std::string UnsignedIntToBinaryString(uint32_t value, size_t digits = 32, size_t blockSize = 0, char seperator = '-')
	return UnsignedIntToBinaryString((uint64_t)value, digits, blockSize, seperator);

std::string UnsignedIntToBinaryString(uint64_t value, size_t digits = 64, size_t blockSize = 0, char seperator = '-')
	//A blockSize of 0 means someone probably wanted a single block of every digit.
	if(blockSize == 0) blockSize = digits;
	if(digits == 0) digits = 64; //A 64 bit variable, to show it fully, requires 64 digits.

	//Figure out how many seperators we'll have.
	//We subtract one, if a seperator will land on the very end.
	size_t numSeperators = (digits / blockSize) - ((digits % blockSize) == 0? 1 : 0);

	//Allocate our entire string in advance.
	std::string result(digits + numSeperators, '#');

	size_t seperatorCountdown = blockSize;
	for(size_t i = result.size(); i--> 0; )
		result[i] = ((value & 1) ? '1': '0');
		value >>= 1; //Shift the bits over one spot.

		//Add a seperator if our countdown reaches 0, unless we are at the end of the number.
		if(--seperatorCountdown == 0 && i != 0)
			result[--i] = seperator;
			seperatorCountdown = blockSize;

	return result;
I *think* I wrote those functions myself (it's been awhile, and usually I add a comment with the source if it wasn't written by me), but I got the idea of the array of symbols + lookup index from someone else's code. I definitely wrote the binary one.

Note that the hexadecimal one doesn't loop, so it's (needlessly) lightning fast. Sometimes I optimize string formatting functions just for the heck of it, as code warm-ups when I'm procrastinating or just getting back into coding after a break.

Can someone tell me why we aren't using the stringstream solution provided by frob again?

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

int main()
    int myNumber = 0xDEAD;
    // conversion to hex string
    std::stringstream ss; ss << std::hex << myNumber;
    std::string myHexString = ss.str();
    std::cout << myHexString << std::endl;
    return 0;

OP specifically requested:

[...] the string data type from the library #include <string>
Is it possible without having to design my own hex to string conversion function?

If you need upper case, you can add:

#include <algorithm>
std::transform( myHexString.begin(), myHexString.end(), myHexString.begin(), ::toupper );

And if you need the "0x" prefix you can do that in the string stream or insert it into the string after converting to upper case:

ss << "0x" << std::hex << myNumber; // either this
myHexString.insert( 0, "0x" ); // or this
"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

Can someone tell me why we aren't using the stringstream solution provided by frob again?

Because, to do a simple thing, you have to write several lines of code.
void FuncWantingAString(std::string hexString);

int main()
   int value = 0xBEEF;

   std::stringstream ss;
   ss << std::hex << myNumber;
One job (convert from int to string) should be one function call, IMO.
Stringstream is nice for formatting a larger text string with multiple values... but for a single conversion, a function is much nicer. C++11 added std::to_string(), but they probably should have allowed you to pass in a format as an optional parameter.
Simple solution:

std::string UnsignedIntToHexString (unsigned value) {
    std::string ret;
    std::ostringstream format;
    format << std::hex << value;
    ret = format.str();

    return ret;

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

Exactly. Alternatively:
//Converts an integer into a std::string, in the base 'base'.
std::string IntToStringBase(uint32_t value, Base base)
	std::stringstream stream;

	if(base == Base::Octal) stream.setf(std::ios_base::oct, std::ios_base::basefield);
	else if(base == Base::Hexadecimal) stream.setf(std::ios_base::hex, std::ios_base::basefield);
	else stream.setf(std::ios_base::dec, std::ios_base::basefield);

	stream << value;

	return stream.str();

And if you need the "0x" prefix you can do that in the string stream or insert it into the string after converting to upper case:

ss << "0x" << std::hex << myNumber; // either this
myHexString.insert( 0, "0x" ); // or this

Or simply:

ss << std::showbase << std::hex << myNumber;

Which has the distinct advantage that you don't have to manually add the 0x to every single hex value.


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